Tip App
How about receiving or providing quality advices on random things and contributing to a greater good? Tip App allows users to connect with experts from all industry sectors and walks of life worldwide and acquire powerful advises for personal well-being. The app acts as a friend and a genuine aide for people looking to find motivation, get out of their miseries, and find a reason to stay happy all through powerful quotes and audio narrations. Users now have the liberty to create their own personalized verses and playlist according to their mood, and find the peace they are looking to experience right from their pocket.
Ask for help, express your concern,
and acquire quality solutions and advices
at the hands of authentic guidance!
Become an expert
All you need to do is create a free profile and become an expert in your field. Fill in your required details highlighting your expertise and let others in the community find you in times of need.
Find an expert
There might be a number of troubles your body and mind might be experiencing right now. And finding the right expert to deal with your pain and frustrations is a true life saver that this app has in store for you.
A part of community
You not only conduct a two-way communication with a single person, but also get a chance to become a part of a larger community by participating in discussion forums with many other users.
Easy browsing
Users can view numerous profiles from different industries and walks in life to select the people they wish to connect with.
User-friendly interface
The app interface allows the user to upload his/her picture, personal and professional details, contact information, and self-description.
Secure payment
Make your own custom settings while examining your preferred stocks and save ample time from getting lost in a plethora of data.
Provide tips
Become a subject matter expert yourself by highlighting your skills and letting people find and connect with you for quality advices.
Tip App—Project Delivery Timeline
The steps taken from the preliminary development considerations to the final release of the app.
- We discuss the core problem the app will solve for the client.
- Identifying the target user, mobile platforms and devices, and revenue model for the client’s application.
- Designing the app which involves concentrating on the essentials features in UI and multi-touch gestures for smartphones with respect to the design standards.
- We select the right approach for app development according to the time and budget constraints of the client.
- Next we transform your idea into an application prototype keeping intact the basic functionality.
- Recognize the beta testers, acknowledge their feedback and integrate the necessary ones.
- We hand over the app to the client through strict deployment management ensuring the integrity of live environment is secure at all times.
- Capturing powerful metrics for social sharing, funnel analysis, demographic data, time and location, and emergent behavior of the client’s user base.
- Improvement is a never-ending process and we make regular updates in the client’s app with new, powerful features.
- Besides the launch, we also offer clients some lightweight marketing endeavors to ensure that their app doesn’t get lost in the countless other names in the app stores.
Let’s Talk Right Away
Collaborate with our digital design, development and marketing professionals to step-up financial performance of your brand.